Agni is the force of transformation in our body. It is present in every system and cell, tissues, organs and system in us. The power of agni ranges from the process of breaking down our foods in digestion to the minute cellular metabolism. It is what keeps us alive and moving forward.
The first steps for a healthy agni starts with... you guessed, it digestion! The following habits are helpful for every dosha, or body type to improve and maintain a healthy agni.
A healthy agni equals improvement in the following:
Rejuvenation and longevity
Intelligence, cognition, alertness, focus and mental clarity
Removal of waste and toxins from body
Apetite and digestion
Tissue formation
Strength and vitality
Contentement and joy
Healthy skin, hair and nails
Feel free to print these recommendations and glue it to your fridge!
To a balanced life!
Grazie Prokopetz, Doctor of Ayurveda
