When an infant or a pet skips one day without doing # 2 we start to get worried. I shouldn't be different with us, adults, teenagers, and elderly. You should have at least 1 bowel movement per day.
💩 According to Ayurveda, our malas (or excretions) determine the state of our health and indicate possible imbalances and diseases. A healthy 💩 should look like # 3 or 4 the Bristol scale below. A well-formed 💩 is like getting great test results back from the lab.
🧪The longer the fecal matter stays in our intestine, the more disturbed our system becomes. Due to the blockage and unnatural movement of vata upwards (when it should be moving downward) leads the constipated person to become emotionally and psychologically affected, and to bloating, gastrointestinal reflux, indigestion, flatulence, excessive burping, and other GI tract conditions. With little time, one may develop hemorrhoids, anal fissure, fecal impaction and rectal prolapse.
The most common type of constipation is the dry type, (1, 2 in the bristol scale) so this is the type we'll be addressing in this post. If you have a different type of constipation, read this post until the end as I mention some helpful home remedies for all types.
Aside from the obvious possible cause of poor dietary habits, the following should also be considered:
🔥 Low Agni
A balanced agni, or power of digestion and metabolism is the first condition to be assessed in an ayurvedic consultation. Constipation is a key indicator that the agni may not be working well. Read: first steps to a balanced agni.
💨 Disturbed Vata Dosha
After agni, the second important doshic analysis in this case is the state of vata dosha, more specifically of sama vayu, which is responsible for igniting agni and moving fecal matter through the bowels, and apan vayu which is responsible for the downward and outward movement of excretions, namely feces, urine, menstruation.
🧠The mind
Modern science likes to call it the gut-brain axis, as if both were separate entities that are connected, in reality the mind and the digestive system are one! Emotions and psychological factors play a major role in the function of our digestive system.
🦋 Other
Dry constipation can also be a result of low magnesium, hypothyroidism, dehydration, food intolerances allergies, drug side effects, mega colon, blockages, pelvic floor muscle dysfunction, neuropathy, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's, neuropathy and other more serious conditions. In these cases, a doctor should be sought to perform the necessary tests
🏃🏽♀️ General habits to help you go
(In addition to balancing agni and vata dosha)
💧 HYDRATE - the recommended amount is .5oz per pound (your body weight), or 35ml per kg, around 4oz or 120ml per 30 minutes, is what your kidneys can efficiently absorb. Vata constitutions tend to need more water, and kapha constitutions tend to need less. Listen to your body, it will let you know!
🥭 EAT FIBERS found in fruit, vegetables, and grains. Remember that if you increase the amount of fiber intake you must also increase the amount of water intake, as fibers tend to soak up moisture.
🥑 INTERNAL OLEATION - consume a healthy amount of good fats found in olive oil, avocado and ghee, for example
🍍 EAT FRUITS like papaya, kiwi, pineapple which carry digestive enzimes
🌰 EAT SEEDS such as flaxseed, pumpkin, sunflower, chia
🏃🏽♀️ EXCERCISE - when you move, your bowl moves, so move that body!
🧪 KEEP UP WITH YOUR LAB WORKS and see an functional medicine doctor or nutritionist to make sure you are not nutritionally deficient
🥨 AVOID DRY FOOD - crunchy and dry foods
☕️ AVOID DRYING SUBSTANCES - Coffee and most teas are drying, don't drink it every day. Think of it this way: if you put this substance in your hair, will it moisturize or dry it? They do the same with your gastrointestinal tract.
🧘🏽♂️ YOGA POSES: Spinal twists, triangle and cobra poses and are beneficial.
⚠️ Home Remedies for occasional constipation
(If you have chronic constipation, please seek help!)
🍂 VATA (Dryness) 💩 will be dry, hard, cracked, darker brown and sometimes in pieces
• Soak 1 tablespoon of flaxseed or psyllium in 1/2 cup of water. Drink the gelatinous substance first thing in the morning and wait at least 30 minutes for breakfast
• Drink 1/2 cup of milk with 2-3 tablespoons of ghee on an empty stomach before bed (only if cholesterol is not an issue)
• TRIPHALA tablets are tridosic and have very few interactions and side effects. It can be drying in the long run so seek Ayurvedic advice before adding any herbal medicines to your routine.
• OIL ENEMA is recommended. But only under the supervision of an Ayurvedic professional
🪨 KAPHA (Blockage) 💩 will look bulky, pale or lighter brown, and mucus will be present
Some constipations are due to the accumulation of phlegm. You will notice that the 💩 is not dry, so in this case bulk moistening laxatives will increase congestion, so drying laxatives will be more suitable such as fresh ginger and fennel teas. Drink 30 minutes before every meal. Contrary to common knowledge, yogurt is NOT recommended in this case.
🔥 Pitta (Excessive moisture) 💩 will look thin, brownish yellow, soft or watery
It is very rare that pitta constitutions will experience constipation, but if they do, excessive moisture may be the culprit. In this case, Senna alexandrina can be of help, but I do not recommend continuous or unsupervised use.
⚠️ Remember that the overuse of laxatives weaken peristalsis in the long run and may cause dependency.
To a balanced life!
Grazie Prokopetz, Doctor of Ayurveda