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Is this what getting old feels like?

Grazie Prokopetz

Updated: Jun 28, 2024

It is true that your health, disposition and stamina probably won't feel the same in your 30's and 40's as you did in your early 20's. But there is an increased early onset of senior ailments affecting young adults and it is definitely a reason for concern.

In Ayurveda, the key to healthy aging lies in a balanced kapha dosha. Kapha is responsible for our structure, protection, immunity, growth and hydration. It keeps the luster in our skin and hair, our bones and muscles strong, maintains great immunity and brings about a healthy transition into our golden years.

The problem is that our lifestyles are depleting this amazing source of strength and resilience, in our bodies and minds. Being always-on-the-go, taking on too many responsibilities, and working out until we drop are good examples of a kapha depleting habits. Nutrition also plays an important role. This lifestyle is kapha decreasing and vata increasing, as vata carries the opposite qualities of kapha. Vata is light, mobile, and dry as kapha is heavy, slow, and moist. Learn how to balance vata with grounding techniques.

Therefore, we can absolutely delay aging sign and symptoms by tending to our doshic imbalances. And if you're a young or older adult and anyone dismisses the following symptoms as “it's normal, you’re just getting old” please do not take that to heart! These conditions may be treatable or even reversible with Ayurvedic care, depending on the root cause, of course.

In the near future, I'll write a separate post about each one of the following, just bear with me, please! In the meantime, here's the list:

🍲 Slow digestion, unable to digest some things, low apetite

🦴 Bone loss, brittle hair, nails and teeth

👂🏽 Tinnitus, ringing in ear

💤 Insomnia, light sleep

🥱 Fatigue

🧠 Cognition, memory and focus decline

🩸 PMS, and menopause discomforts 

🚽 Constipation

🦵🏽 Joint pain

💪🏽 Muscle loss

👁️ Vision loss

👋🏽 Wrinkles

Would you like to learn more on how to keep your doshas balanced and delay aging with me? See consultation link bellow!

To a balanced life!


Grazie Prokopetz, Doctor of Ayurveda



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